Can you play diablo 3 4 player
Can you play diablo 3 4 player

I'm not saying greatly increasing the monster difficulty is the only solution, and I'm not saying it's the best solution, but I think REDUCING the max player count on a sequel to a game as successful as Diablo 2 is a MAJOR step in the wrong direction. Diablo 3 is even LESS dark and scary than Diablo 2, yet the player limit goes back down? Diablo 2 had 8 players but it was a lot less dark and scary. Diablo 1 had a 4 player max, but it was also really dark and scary so and having 8 players would ruin the scariness. I don't understand Blizzard's philosophy here.

can you play diablo 3 4 player

In fact, if the enemies are getting way harder, why not INCREASE the player limit and have all out chaos with 16 players? Still, the average person will play with a 4 player max, but a lot of D2 players thrived on the chaos of the higher player limit. This will keep most people playing 4 player games, but still lets us party-lovers get our 8-player action. Here's an idea, make the enemies get tougher at a regular pace up to 4 players, and then beyond 4 the enemies get way harder but keep the same exp per person. Fine, 4 players is a good number to have, but that doesn't mean you throw in restrictions. What about the rest of us who regularly hold D2 LAN parties with 8 people? I'm not alone here, I hear about people having D2 LAN parties all the time.

can you play diablo 3 4 player

Yes, 4 is a good number for people without many friends. Sure there are issues for dueling and trading games, but 4 is a good number for actually playing the game. It's also hard to have a good time just talking to other people with so many people potentially clogging the chat.

can you play diablo 3 4 player

Beyond 4, it's hard to understand what's going on (think Baal's throne). Quote from "Johnny_Death" »I think 4 player max is a good idea.

Can you play diablo 3 4 player